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IT Remarques
Click on the thumbnail for a larger picture - Hover over to zoom within the thumbnail - - New remarques in red

(Please e-mail me if you have a remarque to share)

Alan Clark

Erin Wells
Alan Clark

Alan Clark

Erin Wells
Erin Wells

Amanda Rachels

1st Ed. Chadbourne
1st Ed. Amanda Rachels

Glen Orbik

Alan Clark
Erin Wells

Erin Wells

Erin Wells
Erin Wells
Erin Wells
Erin Wells
Remarque done in "Art of Michael Whelan"Erin Wells

Alan Clark

Erin Wells
Erin Wells


The first two remarques on the third row are actually spread across two pages. The small icon shows them in their seperate pages, but when you zoom in you'll see the full two page layout!


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